At the same time, SAM 35 made minor changes to the rules that were adopted at the start of 2001. These abolished the reverse wingover manoeuvre and also imposed a 10 minute time limit.
The result of this is that both BMFA and SAM 35 fly the same schedule with a 10 minute limit. However, the cut-off dates remain different at 1952 for BMFA and 1957 for SAM 35. SAM 35 have no model bonuses.
Historic articles
June 1948 - Ron Warring's Control Line Commentary from 'Aeromodeller' has an analysis of current stunt designs.
July 1948 - The Gold Trophy from 'Aeromodeller' has a report on the first annual contest.
1949 - Kan Doo development by Pete Cock from 'Model Planes Annual'.
May 1949 - H J Nicholls column Control Line Developments from 'Model Aircraft' has comments on the then current trends in stunt model design.
December 1950 - Peter Chinn's column Accent on Power from 'Model Aircraft' has an interesting comparison of Peter's 'Yulupa' design and Brian Hewitt's Nationals winning 'Stunt Queen'.
March 1951 - Stunt outlook for '51 by Joe Wagner appeared in 'Model Airplane News'. Has notes on flying the schedule as it was then and plans of a vintage-legal design.
December 1956 - How to Test a Stunt Ship by Bill Netzeband from Model Airplane News.
January 1957 - How to Fly STUNT by Bill Netzeband from Model Airplane News.
February 1957 - Theory and the Stunt Model by Bill Netzeband from Model Airplane News.
March 1957 - MORE..about Stunt Theory by Bill Netzeband from Model Airplane News.
April 1957 - Pointers On Stunt by Bill Netzeband from Model Airplane News.
April 1961 - Invisible Control Hinges by Dave Day (my first
published article) from 'Model Aircraft'. This was Norman Butchers title for my unobtrusive hinge system.
1963 - How to select the proper glow plug by Bill Netzeband from 'American Modeler Annual'.
1963 - Olympic VI by Bob Gialdini from 'American Modeler Annual'. This article made a lasting impression on me and was a strong influence.
July/August 1966 - Control-Line Aerodynamics Made Painless by Bill Netzeband from 'American Modeler'.
September/October 1966 - Control-Line Aerodynamics Made Painless - THE CONTROL SYSTEM by Bill Netzeband from 'American Modeler'.
December 1967 - Control-Line Aerodynamics Made Painless (Part 3) by Bill Netzeband from 'American Modeler'.
March 1973 - Go for broke by Al Rabe from 'American Aircraft Modeler'. Al explains the development of his Sea Fury.
July 1973 - Fly the schedule - part 1 by Jim Mannall from 'Aeromodeller'. Jim explains how to fly the F2B schedule in detail from take-off to the triangular loops.
August 1973 - Fly the schedule - part 2 by Jim Mannall from 'Aeromodeller'. Jim goes on to describe the rest of the F2B schedule and gives further notes on competition flying.
September 1978 - Evolution of a Thoroughbread by Al Rabe. The development of Al's 'Mustang' stunters. Interesting and contentious.