Helicopter Reviews

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These articles were originally written as reviews of helicopter kits for various magazines. They are exactly as originally published and have not been updated (unless noted). Most of them are fairly ancient now and are presented here as a useful reference for those who have not seen these articles previously. New articles will be added when the opportunity arises.

Miniature Aircraft
I had always wanted to build one of the original MAS 'X-Cell 60' machines and eventually
found the chance to review one.
The MAS 'xl-pro' has been continuously updated since this review of the original kit
but it remains my favourite.
You can download an article in PDF format (344k) from this link: 'A tale of two X-Cells'. This contains an update of both of the above X-Cell reviews.

'Helimax 60'

'Baron 20'
'Space Baron'
'Space Baron' update
Kalt 'Whisper'
'Whisper update'
Even more 'Whisper'
'Whisper' one more time (May 2001)
'Enforcer ZR'
'Alpha 30/53'
'Enforcer ZR' plus 'Black Shark' fuselage


'Moskito Basic'



Lite Machines

'Concept 30SR-X'
'Hyperfly Apache' - some light relief


'Hornet' Updates
'Hornet' resources
Hints, tips & mods
CP 'Hornet' (flybarless)
MS CP upgrade

Here are two early reviews that never actually appeared in print, for reasons that are now irrelevant
Morley 'Maverick'
JR 'Ergo 30'

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