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JR PCM 10 Helicopter Instructions

Charging - Servo travel - First steps - Available functions - How to set any desired feature


Please note that the charger supplied with this radio has an output of 50 mA for both the Transmitter and Receiver.

The Transmitter battery has a capacity of 700 mAH and requires to be charged for 20 hours to completely recharge it from a fully discharged state. A 14 hour charge will give a flying time of around 2 hours which will probably be adequate for most requirements. When fully charged, flying time should be in excess of 3 hours.

A Receiver pack of 700 mAH capacity will also require charging for 20 hours for a full charge. Where a 1000 mAH receiver pack is supplied, this will require 28 hours for a full charge.

Servo travel

It should be noted that the maximum travel of any servo, under any conditions, is limited to 150% of the normal travel. This must be born in mind when when using large trim offsets, or when mixing two or more channels.

When the travel is set to the normal 100%, trim offsets of up to 50% can be used without unwanted effects appearing (100%+50%=150%). Adding more trim will mean that the servo travel will be restricted, in one direction, and the response will become asymmetric.

Where two channels are being mixed together, the maximum throw of each is restricted to 75%. This is to avoid the throw exceeding 150% when both channels move in the same direction (2x75%=150%). To allow the trims to be used, this figure must be reduced to 60%, or less.

If three channels are to be mixed, the maximum useable figure becomes 50% (3x50%=150%), or 40% if the trims are to be used.

When the above figures are exceeded by a significant amount it may be found that the servo reaches its travel limit well before the control stick reaches its end stop. The remainder of the stick movement will then produce no further response from the servo.

It is suggested that any extreme mixing program should be carefully checked in all combinations of control stick positions before flying the model.

First Steps

Apart from the actual controls, all of the various adjustments for servo direction, amount of travel, etc are set by programming the internal computer. This is done by means of the Liquid Crystal Display on the Transmitter front panel. This display incorporates a touch sensitive membrane which allows all of the inputs to be made by simply touching the appropriate point (or 'flag') on the display itself.

When the Transmitter is turned on, an introductory screen will appear with an ENTER sign in the top right hand corner. The various information conveyed by this screen will be described later. Touching the ENTER sign will change the screen to one which allows you to select various functions.

Available Functions

Programming the PCM 10 is performed by first calling up the appropriate FUNCTION. This can be done in two ways:
1. a) Enter the number (2 digits) of the function required, by touching the number flags. The name of the function will appear to confirm your selection.
b) Touch the ENTER flag.
2. a) Touch the D.LIST flag. A - and + will appear.
b) Touching the + will step through all of the available functions in turn. The - will step through the functions in reverse.
c) When the required function appears, touch the ENTER flag.

Note that the functions listed include one titled INFO-DISPLAY. This will return you to the introductory screen.

When a function has been selected via the D.LIST option, further use of the D.LIST flag will return you to the same function. When the Transmitter is first switched on, however, FUNCTION 11 REVERSE SW will always be selected.

Many of the functions are spread over several 'pages'. These are selected by touching the PAGE flag until the required page is reached.

Note that touching the ENTER flag after accessing a function merely serves to return you to the [FUNCTION MODE] screen, it does not enter information. Information is entered as soon as a change is made. If you now wish to change your mind, the original figure must be re-entered.

A full list of the available functions and the adjustments which can be performed by each is as follows:

FUNCTION 11 REVERSE SW - Reverses the direction of any servo.
FUNCTION 12 TRAVEL ADJUST - Sets the throw of each channel in each direction. Max. 150%.
FUNCTION 13 D/R & EXP - Allows 3 different rates and 8 types of response to be set for aileron, elevator and rudder channels.
FUNCTION 15 SUB TRIM - Offsets servo to one side. Max. 125%. FUNCTION 16 THROTTLE HOLD - Freezes throttle in preset position.
FUNCTION 17 TRIMMER FUNC. - Sets throttle trim travel and enables high and low pitch trim levers.
FUNCTION 18 THRO CURVE - Varies response of throttle servo. 4 different settings available.
FUNCTION 23 AUTO D/R - Allows dual rates to be activated by flight mode switch or throttle hold.
FUNCTION 25 STUNT TRIM - Permits aileron, elevator and rudder trims to be set by flight mode switch.
FUNCTION 28 DATE RESET - Returns all settings to default value.
FUNCTION 41 RUDD�THRO MIX - Changes power to suit rudder.
FUNCTION 44 GYRO SENS ADJ - Sets two switchable gyro gains.
FUNCTION 47 ATS REVO-MIX - Changes rudder to suit power. Also sets rudder trim on throttle hold.
FUNCTION 48 ATS ACC-MIX - Changes rudder to suit power, with time delay.
FUNCTION 52 PROGRAM MIX 2 - ) Mixes any channel with any other
FUNCTION 53 PROGRAM MIX 3 - ) channel. Channels 1 - 8 only.
FUNCTION 56 MODEL SELECT - Selects one of seven different models. Also copies data from one model number to another.
FUNCTION 57 TRIM OFFSET - Offsets aileron, elevator or rudder centre to one side. Does not change end points. Max. 127%.
FUNCTION 61 INVERTED SW - Reverses pitch, elevator and rudder.
FUNCTION 65 SWASH TYPE - Selects 3 servo CCPM systems.
FUNCTION 68 PITCH CURVE - Varies response of pitch servo. 5 different settings available.
FUNCTION 75 SERVO TEST - Cycles all servos slowly over full travel.
FUNCTION 77 FAIL SAFE - Sets servos to hold or go to preset position on loss of signal.
FUNCTION 81 MODEL NAME - Records name of model.
FUNCTION 83 TRIM RATE - Sets trim travel of aileron, elevator and rudder channels. 50 or 100%.
FUNCTION 85 MODULATION - Selects PCM or PPM. FUNCTION 87 TIMER - Resets integrated timer. Enables and sets countdown timer.
FUNCTION 88 KEYBOARD LOCK - Sets keyword to protect information.

How to set any required feature

In order to more fully understand the PCM 10, the following is an alphabetical list of each feature and how to access and adjust it:

ATS (Automatic Tail Stabilisation) System - Auto D/R - CCPM - Changing Models - Copying Information - Data Reset - Dual Rates (D/R) - Exponential (Expo) - Fail Safe - Gear Switch - Gyro Gain Setting (Gyro Sense) - High Pitch Trim - Hovering Pitch - Hovering Throttle - Invert switch - Low Pitch Trim - Low Battery Warning - Naming Model - Pitch Curve - Programmable Mixing (Program Mix) - Reverse Switch - Rudder>Throttle Mixing - Rudder Offset on Hold - Safeguarding Information (Keyboard Lock) - Selecting PPM or PCM - Setting Timers - Servo test - Sub Trim - Stunt Trim - Switch Check Warning - Throttle Curve - Throttle Hold - Throttle Trim Throw - Travel Adjust - Trim Offset - Trim Throw - VTR

ATS (Automatic Tail Stabilisation) System

This is accessed by FUNCTION 47 ATS REVO-MIX or FUNCTION 48 ATS ACC-MIX.

FUNCTION 47 has 3 pages:
1. SEL flag sets the system to suit the main rotor direction (Right = clockwise main rotor - LEFT = anticlockwise main rotor). Allows UP and DN (down) compensation to be set when the Flight Mode switch is in the N position.
If the throttle stick is set to the hover position and the HOV STORE flag is pressed, the system will remember that position and use it as the changeover point between UP and DOWN compensation (Hovering Memory). Similarly the point at which the down compensation stops may be set by the ZERO STORE flag.
A different compensation rate below the set ZERO position is available via the -P setting. 2. This allows the compensation to be changed when the Flight Mode switch is in the 1 or 2 position. +P sets the UP compensation (above the already set ZERO point) and -P sets the DOWN compensation.
3 Here the rudder may be preset to a given position when the Throttle Hold switch is operated. Maximum 125%. The rudder control is still available, but note that large offsets may limit the rudder travel in one direction. There is no compensation applied as indicated by the note MIX OFF.
FUNCTION 48 puts an additional amount of compensation into the system in the same manner as already set by FUNCTION 47 and removes it again after an adjustable delay. This is to compensate for heavily loaded models where RPM may not be constant.

When the Invert Switch is operated, it over-rides the action of the Flight Mode switch and the ATS system returns to the settings normally in use when the Flight Mode Switch is in the N position. As the inverted pitch range may be very different to the normal range, the ATS system may introduce a large rudder trim change. In this situation, it is advisable to return the various settings to zero and dispense with the ATS system.

Auto D/R

This is available via FUNCTION 23 AUTO D/R, which has 3 pages:
1. Sets the aileron, elevator and rudder rates when the Flight Mode switch is in the 1 position and over-rides the Dual Rate switches. Three rates are available (0, 1 or 2) which must be set by FUNCTION 13. This facility can be inhibited, in which case the Dual Rate switches will still be effective.
2. Sets the aileron, elevator and rudder rates when the Flight Mode switch is in the 2 position. Otherwise as page 1.
3. Sets the aileron, elevator and rudder rates when the Hold switch is in the ON position. Otherwise as page 1.


This caters for helicopters which utilise a moving swashplate system to control the collective pitch and is programmed via FUNCTION 65 SWASH TYPE.

Three options are available:
1 SERVO. This gives normal operation suitable for any helicopter with a fixed swashplate, or mechanical CCPM system.
3 SERVOS (90 degree). For swashplates operated by three servos spaced 90 degrees apart. All 3 servos move for collective pitch control. 2 servos move in opposition for aileron control and 1 servo only moves for elevator control.
The pitch, aileron and elevator input to each servo is adjustable from 0 to 100% via the + and - flags. Default 60%.
3 SERVOS (120 degree). This is similar to the 90 degree system but with the servos spaced 120 degrees apart. This is a more complex system, since all 3 servos move for an elevator input. Adjustment is the same, however.

If exponential is being used on the aileron or elevator channels, this can produce unwanted effects and interaction when CCPM is used and a facility is included to inhibit this, if required.

Changing Models

By using FUNCTION 56 MODEL SELECT, any model, 1 to 7, can be selected by touching the appropriate flag.

Note that the data changes to the new model instantly but, where a change of Modulation is involved, this will not take place until the power switch is turned OFF and then back ON.

Copying Information

With FUNCTION 56 selected, touching the COPY flag will allow information to be copied from one model number to another. Note that the model to be copied FROM must be selected before touching COPY. In this instance, the process is not carried out until the ENTER flag is touched.

Data Reset

After selecting FUNCTION 28 DATA RESET, the current model will be shown. Touching the CLEAR flag will return all of the information for that model to the default values.

Dual Rates (D/R)

FUNCTION 13 D/R & EXPO has 3 pages:
1. Sets all of the values for the aileron channel. 3 different rates may be set (0, 1 and 2) and these are selected by touching the upper SEL flag. Note that only two of these rates (0 and 1) are directly available by operation of the Dual Rate switches. The third rate can be accessed only by use of the Flight Mode or Throttle Hold switches - see AUTO D/R. To change the rate, use the + and - flags. Touching CL will return the value to 100%. Note that the actual rate is also set by the value of the Travel Adjust (FUNCTION 12). If the travel is set to 150%, then 50% rate will actually give a rate of 75%, etc.
Exponential can also be set from 0 to 100% (not when VTR is in use) and can be one of 3 forms (LIN/EXP, EXP/LIN, or NORMAL), , which are selected by the SEL flag below TYPE. Touching the CLEAR flag will return the type to NORMAL.
LIN/EXP (Linear/Exponential) means that the servo response will be linear when close to the centre of the travel, but can be steadily increasing or reducing as the maximum travel is approached.
EXP/LIN (Exponential/Linear) means that the response varies when close to the centre but becomes linear at maximum movement.
NORMAL means that the response is steadily increasing or decreasing over the whole throw. Positive exponential makes the response less sensitive close to the centre while negative exponential makes it more sensitive.
VTR provides a 'dogleg' type of response where the rate changes at a preset point which can be set to 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, or 90% of the full travel. D/R now sets the rate from the centre of the throw up to the set point. Maximum throw remains unchanged.
Note that all of this is graphically represented on the display which makes it much easier to understand than a written description. Also note that exponential and VTR cannot be used together.
2. Sets all of the values for the elevator channel. Otherwise as page 1.
3. Sets all of the values for the rudder channel. Otherwise as page 1. However, note that the rudder Rate Switch can also be used to change the gyro gain - See Gyro Gain Setting.

Exponential (Expo)

See Dual Rates.

Fail Safe

This is accessed via FUNCTION 77 and can only be used with PCM type modulation (set by FUNCTION 85).

The right hand side of the display will indicate BATT F.S. This is not effective on helicopter sets. It is part of the software and is associated with aircraft sets only.

The SEL flag at lower left allows you to select between HOLD, 1.0 SEC, 0.5 SEC and 0.25 SEC.
HOLD means that all servos will hold their last position if the Transmitter signal is lost.
1.0, 0.5 and 0.25 SEC indicate the delay which takes place between loss of signal and all servos being sent to preset positions. When one of these is selected the controls should be set into the required position and the MEMORY STORE flag touched. The positions will then be stored and this information will be automatically sent to the receiver when the set is switched on.

Gear Switch

This switches the retract servo, if used, between two positions which are set by FUNCTION 12 TRAVEL ADJUST.

Gyro Gain Setting (Gyro Sense)

This can only be used with a tail rotor gyro which has a proportional gain control operated via a separate radio channel (JR type or similar) and allows the AUX3 channel to be switched between two preset values. This feature can be set to INH (inhibit) or ACT (active) by the appropriate flag.

Note that the AUX3 switch is still active as the rudder Dual Rate switch when this feature is in use.

High Pitch Trim

The high end of the pitch curve can be set by this trimmer when activated via FUNCTION 17 TRIMMER FUNC. It is only effective when the Flight Mode switch is in the N position.

Hovering Pitch

Certain points of the pitch servo response can be modified by means of this control. It is activated via FUNCTION 68 PITCH CURVE and is only effective when the Flight Mode switch is in the N position.

Hovering Throttle

Certain points of the throttle servo response can be modified by means of this control. It is activated via FUNCTION 18 THROTTLE CURVE and is only effective when the Flight Mode switch is in the N position.

Invert switch

This reverses the action of the elevator, rudder and pitch servos and also activates a separate pitch curve which is set by FUNCTION 68. There is no separate throttle curve and the Flight Mode Switch is still effective and selects the three throttle curves already set. Care should excercised when using the invert system to ensure that the Flight Mode Switch is in the right position before the Invert Switch is operated.

Low Pitch Trim

The low end of the pitch curve can be set by this trimmer when activated via FUNCTION 17 TRIMMER FUNC. It is only effective when the Flight Mode switch is in the N position.

Low Battery Warning

This is fully automatic and provides a visual and audible warning when the Transmitter battery falls below about 8.9 volts. When this happens you should land the model immediately.

Naming Model

FUNCTION 81 allows you to give the model a name which will appear on the display with the model number. It has 4 pages (accessed by the SEL flag) which contain flags for the alphabet and the numbers 0 - 9. The cursor (^) indicates the location at which the letter or number is to be entered. These can be erased by using the space flag. The � flag moves the cursor to the right.

Pitch Curve

This is selected by FUNCTION 68. On touching ENTER, you will be greeted by the query THRO SERVO HOLD? with YES and NO flags. YES will freeze the throttle servo in its current position and allow the throttle stick to be moved to observe the effect of pitch changes without the motor speeding up to suit. NO will give normal throttle operation.

There are now 5 pages available which are selected by the operation of the Flight Mode, Invert and Hold switches. If the Throttle Hold or Invert switch are inhibited (via FUNCTION 16 or FUNCTION 61), their pages are not available. Note that the Hold switch over-rides the Flight Mode switch and the Invert switch over-rides both of them. Also note that, if the Auto Cut facility is in use, it is necessary to move the throttle stick below the position set before the HOLD pitch curve page will be available.

On each page a graph appears of the pitch travel set for the particular switch involved. This shows the effect of any trimmers which may be active, but note that these are only effective when the Flight Mode switch is in the N position.

The display also includes two figures (IN and OUT) with numbers beside them. The IN figure is the actual stick position expressed as a percentage of the total movement (0 = stick low - 100 = stick high). If the response has not been modified (default condition) the OUT figure will be the same as the IN figure (�1). This OUT figure can be modified by use of the + and - flags.

Normally the response is a straight line between the high and low end points, but up to 5 intermediate positions can be set and these can be in any position. To do this, move the throttle stick to the required position (a flashing cursor shows where this is on the graph) and touch STORE to record it. A numbered point will now appear on the graph to show the location and the + and - flags will appear. Use these to change the OUT figure to that which is required (the graph shows the result).

When the Flight Mode switch is in the N position, the appearance of the above points will be accompanied by a SEL flag. Touching this will make the Hovering Pitch trim effective, when the throttle stick is in that position. This is confirmed by the appearance of a HOV label.

The numbering of the above points is with the lowest number at the lowest stick location. If another point is set below one that already has the number 1, then it will become number 1 and the original number 1 will now become number 2.

Note that as the throttle stick approaches any point - and before reaching it - the information for it will appear. Another figure will now appear at the top of the display which is the current true stick position. There may now be 3 different numbers visible.

The end points can be modified in the same manner as above by moving the stick to the full high or low position and changing the OUT figure. Note that it is only possible to reduce the throw by this method. If it is desired to increase the throw, this must be done via FUNCTION 12 TRAVEL ADJUST. This will influence all of the set positions which may now need modification to suit.

If the throttle action has been frozen during an adjustment and ENTER is pressed when the throttle stick is in the high position, you will be invited to close the throttle before the system will work!

Programmable Mixing (Program Mix)

5 programmable mixers are available and these are accessed via FUNCTION 51, 52, 53, 54, or 55. When entered a screen appears which shows the mixer to be INH and gives a choice of channels 1 - 8. These being throttle, aileron, elevator, rudder, gear, Aux 1 (pitch), Aux 2 and Aux 3 (if in doubt, the quickest reference of the channel order is the label on the end of the receiver).

Touching any flag will enable the mixer and bring up the name of that channel as the channel to be mixed from. Touching a second number will bring up the name of that channel as the one to mixed to. Touching ENTER will now bring up several options.
SW gives several options for the manner in which the mixer may be switched on or off and are stepped through by the SEL flag:
ON means that the mixer is on all the time.
F-N indicates that the mixer is on only when the Flight Mode switch is in the N position.
1,2 means that the mixer is only on when the Flight Mode switch is in the 1 or 2 positions.
F-2 sets things so that the mixer is only on when the Flight Mode switch is in the 2 position.
MIX means that the mixer is switched on or off by the MIX switch.

The two percentages indicate the amount of the first channel which is to be mixed into the second channel. These are changed by the + and - flags. The TURN flag allows the direction of mix to be changed to positive or negative. Note that this means that movement of the first channel in either direction can move the second channel in the same direction if required.

OFFSET means that the second channel can be offset by up to 100% of the first channels throw before mixing. This is done by moving the first channels control to the required position and then touching STORE.
PAGE moves to the second page where you are given the option to include the mix. If the first channel is already being mixed from some other channel (via another mixer), this will decide whether that mix is to be passed on to the second channel.
Let's try that again. Assume that aileron is being mixed into elevator by mixer 1 and elevator is being mixed into rudder by mixer 2. Including the mix on mixer 2 will mean that the aileron mix is passed on to the rudder.
CLEAR on the first page will inhibit the mixer and erase all of the information entered. Channels which have a trim control will give the option to include the trim in the mix, or not, via the TRIM SEL flag.

Note that channels can be mixed with themselves in the reverse direction which will result in that channels control becoming ineffective.

Reverse Switch

Accessing FUNCTION 11 REVERSE SW will produce a page showing 10 reversing switches for all channels. Touching the appropriate number flag will change the state of that switch between NORMAL and REVERSE.

Rudder>Throttle Mixing

This is covered by FUNCTION 41 and can be used to compensate for the changing load on the motor when the tail rotor pitch is changed. It may be set to be always on, or turned on or off by the MIX switch. When operated by the switch, the state of the switch is shown on the display. Different amounts can be set for left and right rudder application via the + and - flags.

Note that the direction of the compensation must be correctly set via FUNCTION 47 ATS REVO-MIX and that the effect is only apparent when the throttle stick is close to the hover position.

Rudder Offset on Hold

See ATS System above.

Safeguarding Information (Keyboard Lock)

FUNCTION 88 allows a 3 figure key word to be entered to safeguard information. First enter the selected figures and then touch STORE. To remove the lock enter 000 and touch STORE.

When the Transmitter is first switched on, you will be invited to enter the key word before you can proceed further. When being entered, the number will not actually appear on the display to maintain security. It's place will be taken by ***.

Note that if the key word is forgotten, you have no alternative but to try all 999 possibilities!

Selecting PPM or PCM

With FUNCTION 85 selected, you can use the SEL flag to switch between PPM and PCM. A change means that the Transmitter must be switched off and then on again.

Setting Timers

Using FUNCTION 87 the Integrated Timer can be reset by touching the CLEAR flag. Note that there is a different timer for each model.

The countdown timer can be enabled by means of the MODE SEL flag and can then be set in 10 sec increments to a maximum of 60 min 50 sec by means of the +, -, and + flags. On returning to the entry screen the timer can then be started or stopped. At the end of the set time there is an audible countdown.

Note that leaving the entry screen will cancel the timer.

Servo test

Simply selecting FUNCTION 75 will cycle all the servos slowly over their entire travel. First ensure that the models linkages are capable of accommodating this amount of travel, or remove any limiting linkages.

Sub Trim

This allows any of the ten channels to be offset by up to 125% in either direction subject to the limitations already noted. After entering via FUNCTION 15, there are two pages which invite you to set each channel via + and - flags. Note that it offsets the whole travel, including end points.

Stunt Trim

The purpose of this function is to allow the Aileron, elevator and rudder trims to be offset when the Flight Mode switch is in the 1 or 2 position. Enter by accessing FUNCTION 25 and decide whether to set to act or inhibit via the ACT/CLEAR flag. Maximum offset is 125% subject to the limitations already noted.

Switch Check Warning

A fully automatic facility which provides an audible and visual warning if the Transmitter is switched on with the Hold or Invert switch in the ON position, or the Flight Mode switch in the 1 or 2 position.

Throttle Curve

Operation of this is virtually identical to that already noted for the Pitch Curve function. It is accessed via FUNCTION 18. There is no adjustment available when the HOLD switch is in the ON position and this is noted by VOID on the display.

Throttle Hold

FUNCTION 16 THROTTLE HOLD allows the throttle to be set to any position when the Hold switch is operated. The position is set by the + and - flags.

An additional facility here is the AUTO CUT. By putting the throttle stick to any position and then touching STORE, the Hold function will not operate until the switch is operated and the stick is lowered below that position. The purpose here is to allow the pilot to enter an autorotation with both hands on the sticks rather than searching for the Hold switch.

Throttle Trim Throw

The throttle trim throw can be set to 0 - 100% via FUNCTION 17 TRIMMER FUNC. and the + and - flags. Note that with the throw set to 100% and the trimmer in the high position, there will be no throttle action below the half way point on the throttle stick. This provides an additional idle-up facility which is useful for rapid descents.

Travel Adjust

FUNCTION 12 allows the throw of each channel to be set in each direction via + and - flags. There are two pages with 5 channels on each. Note that the stick must be moved to the appropriate end to access each direction. Maximum is 150%.

Trim Offset

This is accessed via FUNCTION 57 and is different in action to FUNCTION 15 SUB TRIM in that it does not move the end points set by FUNCTION 12.

Page 1 allows the Hovering Throttle and Hovering Pitch levers to be offset by up to 127% in each direction. This is done by first touching STORE then placing the trimmer to the required position and touching ENTER. Each time this is done, the value will increase by 16 or 17%.

Page 2 offsets the aileron, elevator and rudder trim levers in a similar manner to that above. However, note that full movement of the trim lever will give an input of 35 - 41%. Also note the limitations already discussed.

Trim Throw

FUNCTION 83 allows the trim action of the aileron, elevator and rudder channels to be halved. Touching the appropriate SEL flag switches between 100% and 50%.


See Dual Rates.

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