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British Nationals Aerobatic Events 2002

Held at Barkston Heath 24 - 26 August

Discarded scores in red

F2B - Class 2 - Classic - Vintage

F2B - Gold Trophy

Round 1 Saturday Round 2 Sunday Round 3 Monday
Place Name Circle 1 Circle 2 Circle 1 Circle 2 Circle 1 Circle 2 Score
1 Barry Robinson 1865 1793 2011 1969 1936.5 1910.5 7827
2 Bill Draper 1840 1921 1985 1954 1885 1984 7808
3 Tony Eifflaender 1790 1713 1881 2039 1824.5 1977 7721.5
4 John Benzing 1867 1806.5 1958.5 1873 0 1943 7641.5
5 Roy Cherry 1865 1830 1957 1917.5 1865.5 1762 7570
6 Michael Feger 1665.5 1732.5 1851.5 1937.5 1762.5 1850.5 7402
7 John Hamilton 1858 1742.5 1845.5 574 1814.5 1623.5 7368.5
8 Ian Galt 1763.5 1676 1759 1764 1692 1964 7250.5
9 Fraser Mackay 1700.5 1840 1729.5 1921 1384 0 7191
10 Ray Lloyd 1647.5 1689 1806 1731 1671 1818 7026
11 Maurice Doyle 1657 1464 1739 1706.5 1679.5 810 6935
12 Tom Jolley 1510 1632.5 1765.5 1632.5 1617 1721 6736
13 Peter Arkley 1590.5 1595.5 1743.5 1733 1590 1661.5 6728.5
14 Eddie Sharp 1637.5 1468 1698 1659 1579.5 1718.5 6713
15 Jim Hatch 1652.5 1617.5 1676.5 1567.5 1577.5 1652.5 6599
16 John Ash 1429.5 1380 1703 1597.5 1628.5 1645 6574
17 Paul Winter 1600 1544.5 1745 1654 0 0 6543.5
18 Steve Foster 1475.5 1396 1653 1558 1562.5 1680 6453.5
19 Brian Sylvester 1478 789 1685 1607.5 1591 1537 6420.5
20 Dick Stepney 1488 1359.5 1690 1553 1522 1363 6128
21 Ken Reeves 1408.5 1357 1492.5 1481.5 1463.5 1649 6086.5
22 Dave Roberts 1180 1573.5 1472 1712 0 0 5937.5
23 Steve Smith 1454 1367.5 1638.5 1476.5 0 0 5936.5
24 Geoff Tennant 1319.5 1260 1443 1443 1469.5 1359.5 5715
25 Neil Stewart 1297 979.5 1376 1147.5 45 380 4800

Best 2 flights from each circle.
Judges - Circle 1: Peter Jackson & John Bonner, Circle 2: Dot Dickinson & Bill Grieve.
Scores are total of 2 judges.
Results: Gail Epstein

Class 2

Place Name Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
1 Neville Eyre 418.5 422 438 863
2 Robert Kitley 423.5 422.5 - 846
3 Alan Watson 435 383.5 107 818.5
4 Peter Wright 407.5 403 314.5 810.5
5 Terry McCafferty 278 388 401.5 789.5
6 Dave Huchinson 411 349 226.5 760
7 Ron Greenwood 365 383.5 331.5 748.5
8 John Huntley 295.5 344.5 319.5 664
9 Bill Daniels 343.5 279 203 622.5

Best 2 of 3 flights.
Judge: John Ash

Classic - Ron Moulton Trophy

Place Name Model/Motor Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Appearance Score
1 Mick Taylor Kamacc/
948.5 953 861.5 35 1936.5
2 John Hamilton Tucker Special/
OS 35S
940 954 909 37.5 1931.5
3 Glen Alison Shark 45/ST G51 930.5 927.5 912 37.5 1895.5
4 Paul Winter Supermaster/
933 907.5 851.5 42.5 1883
5 Dave Day Argus/Fox 35 883 903 - 40 1826
6 Maurice Doyle Hurricane/ST 46 819.5 900 809.5 35 1825.5
7 Mick Castell Stampe Monitor/
ST 46
773.5 755.5 - 32.5 1561.5
8 Dick Stepney Original Nobler/
Fox 35
758.5 764 179 30 1552.5
9 Geoff Tennant Tony/Stalker 40 718.5 733 673.5 32.5 1484
10 Peter Rabjohn Original Nobler/
Stalker 40
704.5 726 689.5 37.5 1468
11 Jeff Smith Oriental/
Stalker 40
520.5 515 663.5 20 1223.5
12 Bill Brown Crusader/? 446.5 510.5 - 30 987

Best 2 of 3 flights plus appearance.
Judge: Peter Catlow. CD: Tony Johnson.


Place Name Model/Motor Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
1 Mick Taylor Jamison Special/OS 40FP 701 734.5 - 1435.5

Trixter Invert/PAW 40 - - 697
2 Dave Day Box Car Chief/ST 35 697.5 696 664 1393.5
3 Glen Alison Barnstormer/Enya 29 692.5 664.5 615.5 1347
4 Maurice Doyle Taurus/Fox 59 644 663 635.5 1307
5 Steve Crawford Box Car Chief/Fox 35 624.5 306.5 597 1221.5
6 Mick Castell All American/Fox 35 593 608 459 1201
7 Brian Sylvester Super Duper Zilch/ST 46 572 616 492 1188
8 Alan Watson Barnstormer/Fox 35 568 488.5 521 1089
9 Dave Hardwick Barnstormer/Stalker 35 509.5 529.5 369.5 1031.5
10 Geoff Stevenson Cutis Swift/OS 40 FP 481.5 516 468 997.5
11 Terry Taylor Barnstormer/Merco 35 550.5 385 - 935.5

Best 2 of 3 flights. Scores are total of 2 judges.
Judges: Peter Rabjohn & Ian Russell.

Coloured divider

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