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British Nationals Aerobatic Events 2000

Held at Barkston Heath 26 - 28 August

Discarded scores in red

F2B - F2B Repechage - Class 2 - Classic - Vintage

F2B - Gold Trophy

Qualifying Fly-Off
Circle A Circle B
Place Name Round 1 Round 2 Round 1 Round 2 Score Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Score
1 Roy Cherry 1913 1994.5 2001.5 1982 3996 3049 3081.5 3132.5 6214
2 John Benzing 1851 1798.5 2079 2028 3930 3044 2926 3064 6108
3 Bill Draper 1904 2014 2035.5 2085 4099 3022.5 3016.5 3073 6095.5
4 Henk de Jong 1927 1811.5 2048.5 - 3860 2951.5 3008 3084.5 6092.5
5 Tony Eifflaender 1905.5 1958 2058 2045 4016 3008.5 2992.5 3027.5 6036
6 John Hamilton 1834 1760 2057.5 2032 3891.5 2888.5 2865 2998 5886.5
7 Dallas Hanna 1808 1865 1961.5 1832 3826.5 2824 2914 2964.5 5878.5
8 Mauro Fuisello 1717.5 1751 1844.5 1095 3595.5 2902 2842 2816 5744
9 Mick Taylor 1721 1695.5 1752 2019 3740 2833.5 2761.5 2852.5 5686
10 Paul van Dort 1585 1779.5 2022 - 3801.5 2771 2795 2880 5675
11 Bruno Van Hoek 1710 1753.5 1702.5 1822.5 3576 2577 2779 2801 5580
12 Peter Jackson 1650.5 1678.5 1901 1906 3584.5 2725 2739.5 2717.5 5464.5
13 Fraser McKay 1666.5 1643 1887.5 1855.5 3554 2683 2576 2721 5404
14 Graham Bone 1484.5 1660.5 1861.5 1900.5 3561 2662.5 2702.5 2696.5 5399
15 Barry Robinson - 1940 1969.5 1987.5 3927.5 - - - 0
16 Eddie Sharp 1491.5 1624 1929 1763.5 3553
17 Maurice Doyle 1468 1600 1934.5 1948 3548
18 John Ash 1549 1632.5 1645 1882 3514.5
19 Ray Lloyd 1571 1625.5 1864.5 1770.5 3490
20 Paul Winter 1654.5 1612.5 1778.5 1817 3471.5
21 Dave Roberts 1585.5 - 1875 - 3460.5
22 Tony Johnson 1533 1639 1797 1626 3436
23 Mark Livsey 1650.5 1538 1729.5 1749 3399.5
24 Ken Reeves 1452.5 1513.5 1820 1781 3333.5
25 Steve Foster 695.5 1569.5 1558 - 3127.5
26 Brian Sylvester 917.5 1402.5 1289 1608.5 3011
27 Peter Catlow 1116.5 1200.5 1400.5 1533.5 2734
28 Lillo Condello 1104 277 - 1517.5 2621.5
29 Marck Berckmans - 1214 820 - 2034
30 Jim Hatch 1303.5 - - - 1303.5
31 Niel Stewart - - 836 - 836

Qualifying: Round 1 Saturday, Round 2 Sunday. Best flight from each circle.
Judges - Circle A: Roger Ladds & Joan McIntyre, Circle B: Reg Lowe & Dot Dickinson.
Scores are total of 2 judges.

Fly-Off Monday: Best 2 of 3 flights.
Judges: Roger Ladds, Reg Lowe & Joan McIntyre.
Scores are total of 3 judges.

Gold Trophy 'Repechage' (Monday)

Place Name Round 1 Round 2 Score
1 John Ash 954.5 915.5 954.5
2 Ray Lloyd 951 930.5 951
3 Maurice Doyle 949.5 919 949.5
4 Mark Livesey 808 924 924
5 Eddie Sharp 885.5 915.5 915.5
6 Paul Winter 892.5 894 894
7 Steve Foster 805 874 874
8 Brian Sylvester 843 862 862
9 Ken Reeves 768.5 854 854
10 Lillo Condello 835 0 835
11 Mark Berckmans 765 821 821

Best of 2 flights.
Judge: Dot Dickinson.

Class 2

Place Name Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
1 Peter Catlow 731 695.5 693.5 1426.5
2 Richard Kommeier 675 653 653 1328
3 Dick Place 528 651.5 606.5 1258
4 Alan Watson 488.5 580 532.5 1112.5
5 Ron Greenwood 482 116 - 598
6 Sam Grant 186 264 286 550

Best 2 of 3 flights.
Judges: Dave Kenny and Bill Daniels. Scores are total of 2 judges.

Classic - Classic 2000

Place Name Model/Motor Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Appearance Score
1 John Hamilton Tony/
Stalker 40
1822 1852.5 1790 70 3744.5
2 Dave Day Nobler/
Merco 35
1796 1831.5 1815.5 80 3727
3 Geoff Higgs Coy Lady/
1821 1733.5 1775.5 80 3676.5
4 Maurice Doyle Hurricane/
ST 46
1752.5 1826.5 1771 80 3667.5
5 Glen Alison Shark 45/
ST G51
1736 1787 1735 70 3593
6 Paul van der Meer Nobler/
Fox 35
1233 1519 1462.5 50 3031.5
7 Peter Rabjohn Oriental/
Stalker 40
1237 1410 1428.5 60 2898.5
8 Bob Wallis Radial Thunderbird/
Fox 35
1232 50 1536.5 70 2838.5
9 Geoff Stevenson Nobler/
1240.5 1343.5 1391.5 40 2775
10 Dave Kenny Thunderbird/
320 936 1293.5 60 2289.5
11 Dave Roberts Crusader/
Merco 35
1473.5 - - 60 1533.5
12 Mick Taylor Kamacc/
- - - 80 80
13 Tony Johnson Nakke/
Double Star 40
- - - 60 60

Best 2 of 3 flights plus appearance points.
Judges: Jeff Smith & Bertie Wright. Scores are total of 2 judges.


Place Name Model/Motor Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
1 Dave Day Box Car Chief/
ST 35
751 733 809 1560
2 Mick Taylor Trixter Invert/
PAW 35
760 780 687 1540
3 Maurice Doyle Checkala Roma/
Fox 35
714 758 697 1472
4 Terry Taylor Zilch X/OS 35 637 649 730 1379
5 Brian Sylvester Barnstormer/ 562 662 693 1355
6 Steve Crawford Super Duper Zilch/
Fox 35
542 638 698 1336
7 Geoff Stevenson Curtis Swift/OS 35FP 500 644 649 1293
8 Dave Hardwick Barnstormer/Stalker 513 583 659 1242
9 Brian Waterland Viking/OS 40 - 649 577 1226
10 Tim Bland Barnstormer/OS 40FP - 572 567 1139
11 Ron Greenwood Foxstunter/Fox 35 407 211 - 618
12 Pete Clinton Ringmaster/Stalker 171 157 441 612

Best 2 of 3 flights.
Judges: Tom Hughes and Peter Rabjohn. Scores are total of 2 judges

Coloured divider

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