Flying Model Helicopters

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A5 192 pages.

Now completely revised and up-dated with additional material on setting up your helicopter.

Chapter headings:
Introduction - Types of helicopter and their controls - The typical modern helicopter - Pitch and throttle relationship - Helicopter motors - Modes and trays - Radio control equipment - New or secondhand? - Balancing - Gyrostabilisers - Training devices - Hovering - First circuits - Advanced circuits - Advanced hovering - Autorotation - Aerobatics - Summery of hovering and aerobatics differing requirements - Advanced aerobatics - Contests - Conclusions.

Published by Nexus Books.

Available from: Orca Book Services, Stanley House, 3 Fleets Lane, Poole, Dorset. BH15 3AJ. England. Tel: +44 01202 665432. Fax: +44 01202 666219. Email: [email protected]

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