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In September 2001, I bought a 'Hornet' helicopter package, including batteries and charger, and started keeping records of the batteries used for this and other electric models. Prior to this I had used Nickle Cadmium batteries for various types of electric flight using only basic charging methods.

BatteryTypeNo & size of cellsMakeDateScrappedNo of
Main useComments
1NiMH7 x 720mAh Twicell 12/9/0121/4/02168Hornet
2NiMH7 x 720mAhTwicell12/9/0121/4/02166Hornet
1/2NiMH8 x 720mAhTwicell21/4/029/12/04168/166Hornetmade from 1 & 2
1/2ANiMH6 x 720mAhTwicell21/8/029/12/04168/166Banditmade from 1 & 2
3NiMH8 x 720mAhTwicell21/11/0114/8/05205Hornet
4NiMH7 x 720mAhTwicell15/2/0213/1/07103Hornet
5NiMH8 x 700mAhKodak1/3/0214/8/0585Hornet
6NiMH8 x 750mAhVanson7/5/0213/7/06100Hornetnew cell10/8/03
7NiMH7 x 750mAhVanson24/7/02 13/7/0690Hornet
8NiMH7 x 750mAhVanson21/8/02 13/7/0690Hornet
9NiMH6 x 750mAhVanson21/8/0227/09/07?Bandit
10NiMH6 x 750mAhVanson20/11/02

11NiMH6 x 300mAhOverlander28/11/02

And Now?
12NiMH8 x 1800mAhVanson16/2/0318/05/07<30Streaker
13NiMH8 x 110mAhOverlander12/4/03

14See Ni-Cads
15NiMH6 x 750mAhVanson2/9/03

16NiMH6 x 750mAhVanson2/9/03

17NiMH8 x 1100mAhSanyo21/11/01

Cessna, JJ
18NiMH7 x 300mAhFalcon9/11/0310/1/044And Now?
18aNiMH7 x 300mAhFalcon10/1/0414/2/043And Now?replacement for 18
18bNiMH7 x 300mAhFalcon14/2/04

And Now?replacement for 18a
19NiMH7 x 300mAhOverlander4/12/03

And Now?
20NiMH7 x 300mAhOverlander4/12/0315/8/05?And Now?
21NiMH7 x 750mAhVanson9/4/0429/3/0541BCP
21aNiMH7 x 750mAhVanson29/3/05
22NiMH7 x 300mAhHilcott4/4/04

And Now?
23NiMH7 x 750mAhVanson9/12/04
24NiMH8 x 750mAhVanson9/12/0413/7/0630Hornet
25/A1NiMH 7 x 750mAhVanson9/7/0512/7/0620Piccolo
A2NiMH7 x 750mAhVanson14/8/0513/7/0620Hornet
A3NiMH7 x 750mAhVanson14/8/0512/7/0620Hornet
B1NiMH7 x 900mAhMaplin13/1/07
B2NiMH7 x 900mAhMaplin14/1/07
B3NiMH6 x 900mAhMaplin17/1/07


B4NiMH8 x 1800mAhVanson18/05/07

StreakerNow Walkera Tx
B5NiMH6 x 900mAhMaplin10/07/07

14Nicad8 x 50mAhOverlander21/11/01
<10TinyBroken up for other projects
N1Nicad6 x 250mAhHilcott24/1/0414/4/06<10And Now?
N2Nicad6 x 250mAhHilcott30/1/041/2/04<10And Now?
N3Nicad6 x 250mAhHilcott30/1/0415/8/05<10And Now?
L1Li-Ion2 x 700mAhHilcott4/4/0415/07/08<12'Nextra
L2Li-Poly2 x 700mAhFalcon10/4/04

L3Li-Poly2 x 340mAhKokam15/6/04

Super Star
L4Li-Poly2 x 340mAhKokam15/6/04

Super Star
L5Li-Poly2 x 640mAhKokam13/7/04

L6Li-Poly2 x 60mAhKokam22/10/04

'Nd 'Ow
L7Li-Poly2 x 145mAhKokam24/12/0426/12/041Ultra-Sovercharged
L7a Li-Poly3 x 145mAhKokam12/2/05

L8Li-Poly2 x 1200mAhKokam24/12/0424/11/0874Hornet/
Super Star
Poor for some time
L9Li-Poly2 x 1200mAhKokam (?)14/2/0528/01/0869Hornet/
Super Star
Poor performance for some time
L10 Li-Poly 2 x 360mAhKokam22/6/05

Super Star
L11Li-Poly2 x 250mAhE-Tec8/4/06

L12 Li-Poly2 x 250mAhE-Tec8/4/06

L13 Li-Poly2 x 150mAhNDR8/4/0616/11/081?no practical use
L14 Li-Poly2 x 150mAhNDR8/4/0616/11/081?no practical use
L15Li-Poly2 x 1200mAhKokam (?)15/9/0624/11/0827Hornet/
Super Star

L16Li-Poly2 x 1200mAhKokam15/9/0624/11/0827Hornet/
Super Star

L17 Li-Poly2 x 1200mAhKokam (?)6/12/0624/11/0827Hornet/
Super Star

L18Li-Poly2 x 1200mAhKokam6/12/0624/11/0827Hornet/
Super Star

L19Li-Poly2 x 300mAhFullriver6/12/0630/06/0923Titch/TinyOne cell not accepting charge - other overcharging
L20Li-Poly2 x 300mAhFullriver14/05/07
L21Li-Poly2 x 300mAhFullriver14/05/0730/06/0916Titch/TinyOne cell not accepting charge - other overcharging
L22Li-Poly2 x 860mAhHi Model20/10/07
L23Li-Poly2 x 860mAhHi Model20/10/07
L24Li-Poly1 x 30mAhFullriver19/11/07
3Aero Soarer
L25Li-Poly1 x 30mAhFullriver19/11/07
3Aero Soarer
L26Li-Poly2 x 800 MAhE_sky01/02/08

Lama V4
L27Li-Poly2 x 800 MAhE_sky08/02/08
32Lama V4
L28Li-Poly2 x 900 MAhMystery10/03/0819/04/0815Lama V4Poor performance, glitching
L29Li-Poly2 x 900 MAhMystery10/03/0819/04/0814Lama V4Poor performance, glitching, one cell swelling
L30Li-Poly2 x 800 MAhFullriver25/04/08
34Lama V4
L31Li-Poly2 x 800 MAhfullriver25/04/08
33Lama V4
L32Li-Poly2 x 900 MAhUnknown HK17/05/08
34Lama V4failing
L33Li-Poly2 x 900 MAhUnknown HK27/05/081 cell
28Lama V4i cell failed
L34Li-Poly2 x 900 MAhUnknown HK27/05/081 cell
14Lama V41 cell
L35Li-Poly1 x 400 MAhWalkera24/06/08
52Walkera 5G6
L36Li-Poly1 x 250 MAhFullriver02/07/0820/02/0935"
L37Li-Poly1 x 250 MAhFullriver02/07/0802/01/0927"
L38Li-Poly1 x 250 MAhFullriver02/07/0819/12/0823"Very short flights
L39Li-Poly1 x 250 MAhFullriver02/07/0815/01/0928"
L40Li-Poly1 x 400 MAhWalkera10/07/08
L41Li-Poly1 x 400 MAhWalkera10/07/08
L42Li-Poly1 x 400 MAhFullriver06/09/08
52"Identical to Walkera
L43Li-Poly1 x 400 MAhWalkera06/09/0825/01/0927"Accidentally shorted. Swelling
L44Li-Poly2 x 800 MAhUnknown HK15/09/08

L45Li-Poly2 x 800 MAhUnknown HK15/09/08

L46Li-Poly1 x 400mAhWalkera24/06/08
52Walkera 5G6ex John Holland
(unkown no of cycles)
L47Li-Poly1 x 110 MAhE-Flite08/11/0822/12/0823Blade mCXsee note
L48Li-Poly1 x 200 MAhFullriver05/12/0805/03/0928Blade mCX
L49Li-Poly1 x 200 MAhFullriver05/12/0805/03/0918Blade mCX
L50Li-Poly1 x 200 MAhFullriver05/12/0824/01/099Blade mCX
L51Li-Poly1 x 110 MAhE-Flite10/12/0801/07/1040Blade mCX
L52Li-Poly1 x 110 MAhE-Flite10/12/08
29Blade mCX
L53Li-Poly1 x 400mAhWalkera10/12/08
52Walkera 5G6
L54Li-Poly1 x 400mAhWalkera10/12/08
L55Li-Poly1 x 110 MAhE-Flite23/12/08
28Blade mCX
L56Li-Poly1 x 110 MAhE-Flite23/12/08
25Blade mCX
L57Li-Poly1 x 70 MAhE-Flite16/02/09
6Ember 2
L58Li-Poly1 x 70mAhFullriver11/03/0923/10/095"bad connection
L59Li-Poly1 x 70 mAhFullriver11/03/09
L60Li-Poly1 x 130 MAhFullriver11/03/0922/08/0933Blade mCX
L61Li-Poly1 x 130 MAhFullriver11/03/0922/08/0927Blade mCX
L62Li-Poly2 x 250 MAhFullriver23/03/0922/06/096Dazy BeeLeft connected to charger with no power to charger - overdischarged.
L63Li-Poly1 x 400 MAhWalkera27/03/09
35Walkera 5G6
L64Li-Poly1 x 110 MAhMid Heli06/05/09
32Blade mCX
L65Li-Poly1 x 110 MAhMid Heli06/05/09
30Blade mCX
L66Li-Poly1 x 400 MAhWalkera15/05/0930/12/1041BuzzflyLeft discharged for 5 months
L67Li-Poly1 x 400 MAhWalkera15/05/0930/12/1043Buzzfly"
L68Li-Poly3 x 1000 MAhE_sky03/06/09
7King 2, Apache
L69Li-Poly3 x 1800 MAhE-fly22/06/09
5King2, Whisper
L70Li-Poly3 x 1800 MAhE-fly22/06/09
4King2, Whisper
L71Li-Poly2x 250 MAhFullriver30/06/09
4Dazy Bee, Titch 2
L72Li-Poly2 x 250 MAhFullriver30/06/09
6Dazy Bee, Titch 2
L73Li-Poly2 x 250 MAhFullriver30/06/09
5Dazy Bee, Titch 2
L74Li-Poly1 x 250 MAhFullriver22/09/09
29Blade mCX
L75Li-Poly1 x 250 MAhFullriver22/09/09
0Blade mCX
L76Li-Poly1 x 85 MAhunknown23/09/09
32UH-60 Blackhawk
L77Li-Poly1 x 130 MAhTenergy28/09/09
14Blade mCX
L78Li-Poly1 x 130 MAhTenergy28/09/09
17Blade mCX
L79Li-Poly1 x 138 MAhHi-Model22/11/09
14Blade mCX
L80Li-Poly1 x 138 MAhHi-Model22/11/09
11Blade mCX
L81Li-Poly1 x 138 MAhHi-Model22/11/09
9Blade mCX
L82Li-Poly1 x 138 MAhHi-Model22/11/09
17Blade mCX
L83Li-Poly1 x 130 MAhHi-Model29/01/10
8Blade mCX
L84Li-Poly1 x 130 MAhHi-Model29/01/10
8Blade mCX
L85Li-Poly1 x 130 MAhHi-Model29/01/10
10Blade mCX
L86Li-Poly1 x 130 MAhHi-Model29/01/10
9Blade mCX
L87Li-Poly1 x 110 MAhParkzone15/02/10
10Blade mCX
L88Li-Poly1 x 180 MAhMiniaviation03/03/10
L89Li-Poly1 x 180 MAhMiniaviation03/03/10
L90Li-Poly1 x 400 MAhFullriver06/03/10
L91Li-Poly1 x 400 MAhFullriver06/03/10
L92Li-Poly1 x 400 MAhFullriver06/03/10
L93Li-Poly1 x 400 MAhFullriver06/03/10
L94Li-Poly1 x 110 MAhParkzone16/03/10
L95Li-Poly1 x 120 MAhParkzone03/04/10
7JH Blade mSRfrom John Holland
L96Li-Poly1 x 180 MAhMiniaviation22/05/10
L97Li-Poly1 x 180 MAhMiniaviation22/05/10
L98Li-Poly1 x 180 MAhMiniaviation22/05/10
L99Li-Poly1 x 180 MAhMiniaviation22/05/10
L100Li-Poly1 x 180 MAhMiniaviation22/05/10
L101Li-Poly1 x 600 MAhWalkera14/09/10
24Walkera 4#6
L102Li-Poly1 x 600 MAhWalkera01/11/10
1Walkera 4#6
L103Li-Poly1 x 600 MAhWalkera01/11/10
2Walkera 4#6
L104Li-Poly1 x 600 MAhWalkera01/11/10
2Walkera 4#6
L105Li-Poly1 x 600 MAhWalkera01/11/10
2Walkera 4#6
L106Li-Poly1 x 138 MAhTurnigy12/11/10
6Blade, etc.
L107Li-Poly1 x 138 MAhTurnigy12/11/10
7Blade, etc.
L108Li-Poly1 x 138 MAhTurnigy12/11/10
6Blade, etc.
L109Li-Poly1 x 138 MAhTurnigy12/11/10
5Blade, etc.
L110Li-Poly1 x 138 MAhTurnigy12/11/10
5Blade, etc.
Sealed Lead Acid
G1Gelcell12 x 7.2AhMaplin11/11/0420/04/08
ChargerAbsolutely dead since 2006
G2Gelcell12 x 7.2AhMaplin11/11/0420/04/08?ChargerAbsolutely dead since 2006
G3Gelcell12 x 7.2AhRapid09/01/09
G4Gelcell6 x 4.5AhRapid-09/01/09
?Hand torch

Note L47: Flight time originally started at around 8 minutes. At 23 cycles, flight time reduced to around 5 minutes and would 'die' at around 3 minutes and recover after a rest. For interests sake use continued until 40 plus cycles when overall time was down to less than 3 minutes.

Coloured divider

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